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Psychic and Metaphysical Advice for Everyday Life!

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February 18th - 24th Tarotscopes

"Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.' Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'"  ~Erich Fromm

With Valentine's freshly over a few days back and the flowers starting to droop a little, I noticed this article on Yahoo about how divorces pick up shortly after V-Day. At first I didn't give much thought to it, though I did give it a read and could understand the reasoning behind why people feel that such a day wrapped up in love could bring some renewed hope. Love is love though, and no special "holiday" is going to make a difference on whether or not something is going to help a doomed relationship. Ok, maybe doomed is too much; so how about failing?! But as I keep seeing relationship statuses changing, there must be some truth to it. However, I'm wondering if there was just TOO much pressure put on the day to have things be some magical fairy tale of everything is going to be better, that just didn't deliver and has crushed the hope of love? Oh my, here I am rambling on about love again... anyways.. Love ain't easy... nothing in life is! There's good days and bad days in any relationship, even the BEST ones. But it takes work! So before I keep on about love, enjoy this labor of love! Here's this week's Tarotscopes!!

Knight of Wands
Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)- While you're ready to take things in a new direction, you could be seeing an entirely new path emerging! Stick to what you know. You might have a slight delay with what you're trying to achieve, but you WILL get there! Emotions run strong this week and could have you feeling excited one minute and then like the whole world is crashing down the next. Your actions will be beneficial to many, even if they don't understand where you're coming from or are seeing the bigger picture. Have faith in your decisions. Stay strong and take a direct approach and you won't fail!

Wheel of Fortune
Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)- This week could start interesting as Saturn turns retrograde in your 7th house of relationships! One way or another, you feel like you saw things coming from a mile away and destiny is taking its course! Things may not have been going quite as what you had planned, but that's all about to change and this could really be a blessing in disguise. It'll be important to see things as they truly are and not make excuses for yourself or others. A new life is made available to you if you're willing to face your fears! Take responsibility for your decisions and turn the wheel!

The Sun reversed
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)- You could be a little frazzled this week as Saturn turns retrograde in your 6th house of routines and then your ruling planet Mercury turns retrograde on Saturday! You would like to stay optimistic, but your mind will be pulled in so many directions that you might be ready to just give up! Don't give up, but give IN! That is to say that things can't be what you want them to if you're not being honest with yourself or those around you. As long you follow your heart and intuition, it'll work out for the best. Just make sure it's what YOU really want!

Four of Cups
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)- Your ruling "planet", the Moon, starts out the week in Gemini and your 12th house of reflection. And with Saturn turning retrograde in your 5th house of fun, you might be needing to take a deeper look at what you're trying to achieve! Maybe even tone down the fun time and take a more serious approach!  Even if things aren't happening the way you planned, it doesn't mean you should give up! Ask yourself WHY you are so determined to have things happen this way!? Allow others to give you their insight into your situation as well, you could be surprised at how helpful the advice can be!

Eight of Wands
Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)- As the Sun, your ruling planet, moves into Pisces at the start of the week and your 8th house of transformation, you're ready to make a change. And with Saturn turning retrograde in your 4th house of stability, this really will be long lasting and for the best! You will be receiving some unexpected advice but with Mercury turning retrograde later this week you'll need to sort out what is really beneficial in your goals. Don't allow yourself to become to anxious in making any immediate decisions. Take charge in what you want and allow the Universe to provide you with what you need!

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)- You might be needing a little bit of appreciation or at least someone acknowledging what you contribute this week! With Saturn turning retrograde in your 3rd house of environment, this is the start of figuring out where you stand with things financially and how you feel about what you bring to the table. Sometimes you might feel as though you are overlooked because of the composure you uphold. It's ok to breakdown once in a while and accept that you need some help or that you don't have everything under control like you'd like it to appear to be! Having flaws is perfectly natural!

Knight of Pentacles reversed
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)- This week you'll really need to take a moment to stop and think about what you say or do or you might end up regretting it! Even if you think it's for the best, it could come out more sarcastic than you thought. Allow others to give you their opinion without giving the impression you've already figured it all out! Right now you're only faking it and don't know what's up from down! There's no reason to let yourself self destruct over your pride. You're going to need to open up to trusting others if you expect to get any results, unless you're looking to be a hermit!

Five of Cups
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22)- Once again you're getting the "lucky" card, and for the 3rd week in a row you've had a Cups card... LOTS of emotional work going on for you. And with Saturn turning retrograde in your sign you're really seeing that your happiness can be determined by how you view your situation. Is the glass half empty or half full?! You may feel let down and your trust broken, but the best course of action is to forgive and move on. What's done is done and you don't need to dwell on it any longer or it'll only end up making you bitter and NOT better! Just remember “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”  ~Winston Churchill

The Tower
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)- Things definitely will be shaken up for you this week! And just because the tower is one of the more ominous looking cards, it doesn't mean it's necessarily something bad. It just means you need to take the energy of Saturn moving back through your 12th house of enlightenment and put it to good use! Really get to the heart of the matter and trust that things happen for a reason. Don't let things get you too worked up! You've got the optimism to see you through anything! Take a level headed approach and be willing to do the work necessary to achieve what you really want!

The Hanged Man reversed
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)- Your faith could be tested this week with your ruling planet Saturn turning retrograde in your 11th house of hopes and dreams! Maybe last week wasn't enough of a push for you? It's time to really take an inward look with things. If you're not being true to yourself, how can you expect to be true to others and how can you expect them to give you the same in return? It's time to put things into motion, even if it's hard to see the end result as being positive. Just remember "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." ~Albert Einstein

Five of Pentacles
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)- Things could be a little disheartening this week. You might be feeling as though you just can't find the good in anything! And for you, that's rather unexpected as you can usually see both sides of the spectrum! But you have to take the good with the bad, otherwise how would you know how good things really could be? Allow yourself to hold others accountable to the standards you set. You don't always have to be the one to compromise! Even if you are left with some disappointment, you'll only be making way for something better to fill the void!

Strength reversed
Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)- Even with the Sun moving into your sign early this week you might not be ready for the attention! And Saturn turning retrograde in your 9th house of philosophy has you taking a wide eyed approach to the world around you! It's important to rely on your own wisdom and not allow others to cloud your judgement or push you around to change your perception. Even if it means that you may lose someone near and dear, it's important to stand up for yourself and what you believe is right! Take things as they come and don't be too focused on making an immediate change.

Well hopefully Valentine's Day was a good one for you and you're not one dealing with the heartbreak that so many others currently are! But if you are having questions regarding your relationship or would like to know if a relationship is on the horizon, feel free to send me a message at facebook or my email and I'll be more than happy to take a look at things for you!!

Have a wonderful week!